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Retreat from the desk, return refreshed.

Have the work week you always dreamed of — to reconnect with yourself and your team.

Modern bungalows located in a scenic natural area near the sea, north of Falkenberg.

16 private rooms, 2 group meeting rooms, and 4 breakout rooms to hang out in.

Private chef team providing on demand meals - just like your team kitchen.

5 outdoor obstacle courses, and a beautiful beach five minutes walk from the bungalows.

Retreat facilitator to manage your day to day activities so you all get a chance to reset.

Dedicated computer room for times that you just must use the wifi.

Be a better team in 5 days, like this one.

Group photo of a team

The GreenHubs Co. September 2019

"This retreat really changed our team's group dynamics for the better. In the 5 obstacle courses we got a chance to finally get to know each other for real, show vulnerability and practice daring to ask each other for help. We would never want to go back to how we were as a group before visiting Unplugged retreat."

— Anna, CEO GreenHubs Co.